Sunday, August 10, 2008


It's been around two-weeks now and,yes, I've noticed minimal changes. Based on these observations I have set the following SMART goals to be achieved by the end of August:

Endurance & speed
  • Bent knee sit-ups 40 in one minute
  • Push-ups 30 in one minute
  • Running 1.5 miles in 12:30
  • Swimming 500 meters (20 laps)
  • 100m in under 12min and tread water for 5-minutes


  • Loose 3 Kg of weight
  • Loose 3% body fat
  • Loose 3 cm off my waist
  • Increase arms, chest and thighs by 2 cm

Note the first set of goals are the minimal fitness requirements needed to graduate from the US Coast Guard's Cape May boot camp.


Wed. night I moved from the bike and tried running. I did 2K in 20-minutes.
@ 12:30 I was at 1.33K

Sat. afternoon I ran 2.3K in 20-minutes.
@ 12:30 I was at 1.5K

Sunday 8/3 I did 30 sit-ups and 20 push-ups in one minute.

Sunday 8/20 I did 34 sit-ups and 30 push-ups in one minute.

Swimming 100m in around 9-minutes.


Height (cm)167167167
Weight (kg)918887.4
Waist (cm)104104102
Chest (cm)115116.5115
Upper Arm (cm)3536.536
Thigh (cm)616363
Neck (cm)424242

Slow progress is good. It means less chance of rebound.

I've added swimming to the cardio part. One evening last week I did the interval training on the bike and then swam. 50-meters crawl, 50-meters walk, 100-meters breast stroke/crawl, 50-meters crawl.