Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Elegant K I S S

My junior high school art teacher was a funny man. I could tell you many jokes he told us, but I'd rather remember him for his rules of simplicity in design rather than his sailor mouth.

He introduced us to the KISS rule. His version was Keep It Simple Stupid! Sure it was negative, but that didn't keep Walter Matthau from bossing The Bad News Bears into a winning season.

I digress.

The KISS rule works if all you want to do is simplify. However, in complex situations does this rule still work?

In trying to achieve simple solutions to complex issues the wave of mutilation must first be surfed. The process of learning all that can be learned about a problem will ideally result in the satori of solutions, the elegant solution.

This effortless outcome that seems so obvious it is not even dared questioned.

When this idea falls in line with things that contain beauty with simplicity and functionality coupled with harmony, this is the frame work for ideal idea generation.

More on this later.

Beat your mental!

Matthew, MB

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