Your thoughts are your business but the idea that you become those thoughts over time. Then the business of your mind becomes public domain. This was the case and still is the case of many writers. This is the intention of said writers. To exercise the thoughts from their mind into a tangible medium.
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts, therefore guard accordingly; and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue, and reasonable nature." —Marcus Aurelius
In order to create anything, having a clean slate to start with is ideal. Often times this is not always possible, but it is an ideal nonetheless. Having clear thoughts is the first principle on how to achieve your goals.
Going back to the idea of the importance of clarity, if we take it a step further we can see how we can actually improve resolution. By having a clear mind going into a project, the outcomes will be limitless. By going into a project with an agenda, these barricades will obstruct clarity.
How then is the best way to go into project? Of course we have an idea of what we want to or would like to accomplish. Otherwise why would we have a meeting?
If the meeting to tell the other side what we (as a group) are going to do, then it is not a collaboration, but a directive. If we first seek to understand each other and offer solutions based on the needs analysis of the situation, then we are a step closer to having clarity.
Do you really listen?
Matthew, MB
Beat your mental.
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