Sunday, July 27, 2008

Routine arms, shoulders and chest

Stretch 10 minutes

Upper body
  • Dumbbell curls 12, 8, 6
  • Inclined dumbbell chest press 12, 8, 6
  • Bench press 12, 8, 6
  • Arm rows 12, 8, 6 (added for next time)
  • Rowing machine 12, 8, 6 (one pin increments)
  • Lateral pull 12, 8, 6 (one pin increments)
  • Triceps push machine 12, 8, 6 (one pin up increments)
Cardio stationary bike (20 minutes)
The timer works backwards from 60:00

59:30 L2
59:00 L3
58:30 L4
58:00 L5
57:30 L6
57:00 L7
56:30 L8
56:00 L9
55:30 L10
55:00 L11
54:30 L10
54:00 L9
53:30 L8
53:00 L7
52:30 L6
51:58 Sprint
51:50 Steady
51:48 Sprint
51:40 Steady
51:38 Sprint
51:30 Steady
51:28 Sprint
51:20 Steady
51:18 Sprint
51:00 Steady
50:40 L7
50:20 L8
50:00 L9
49:40 L10
49:20 L11
49:00 L10
48:40 L9
48:20 L8
48:00 L7
47:40 L6
47:20 L5
47:00 L4
46:58 Sprint
46:50 Steady
46:48 Sprint
46:40 Steady
46:38 Sprint
46:30 Steady
46:28 Sprint
46:20 Steady
46:18 Sprint
45:00 Steady
44:00 L3
42:00 L2
41:00 L1
40:00 Done

Routine abs and legs

I tried this routine twice this past week to make sure I would do it or better could do it.

10 minutes Stretching

Legs 12, 8, 6 reps
  • Dumbbell squats
  • Dumbbell dead-lifts
  • Dumbbell lunges (to be added next time)

Abs 2 sets of 20 reps
  • Bench lift
  • Parallel bar leg raises
  • Lying leg raises
  • Flutter kicks
  • Elbow to knee (replaced with oblique side crunches)
  • Penguins
  • Exercise ball
  • Crunches
  • Floor wipers
  • Lying leg lifts (removed due to space on the mat)

Cardio stationary bike (20 minutes)
The timer works backwards from 60:00

59:30 L2
59:00 L3
58:30 L4
58:00 L5
57:30 L6
57:00 L7
56:30 L8
56:00 L9
55:30 L10
55:00 L11
54:30 L10
54:00 L9
53:30 L8
53:00 L7
52:30 L6
51:58 Sprint
51:50 Steady
51:48 Sprint
51:40 Steady
51:38 Sprint
51:30 Steady
51:28 Sprint
51:20 Steady
51:18 Sprint
51:00 Steady
50:40 L7
50:20 L8
50:00 L9
49:40 L10
49:20 L11
49:00 L10
48:40 L9
48:20 L8
48:00 L7
47:40 L6
47:20 L5
47:00 L4
46:58 Sprint
46:50 Steady
46:48 Sprint
46:40 Steady
46:38 Sprint
46:30 Steady
46:28 Sprint
46:20 Steady
46:18 Sprint
45:00 Steady
44:00 L3
42:00 L2
41:00 L1
40:00 Done



Current Stats

Here are my current stats:
Height - 167cm
Weight - 91kg
Waist - 104cm
Chest - 115cm
Upper Arm - 35cm
Thigh - 61cm

There it is.

First is to get rid of excess adipose tissue, the fat around the abdomen. To find out what my body fat percentage is, I have found a hand little formula at Wapedia-Wiki:

  • Brozek formula: BF = (4.57/ρ − 4.142) × 100
  • Siri formula is: BF = (4.95/ρ − 4.50) × 100
In these formulas, ρ is the body density in kg/L.
But unfortunately, I don't know how to find my density.

However there is the caliper method using various skin folds and formulas. All I need now is a caliper.

Well, thank you US Navy. They happen to have a system based on circumferences. I just have to bust out Granpop's old measuring tape and bam.

Here are the measurements:
Height - 167cm
Neck - 43cm
Abdomen - 112cm

Body fat: 32.9%

From Wikipeadia:
"According to Health Check Systems,[2] The American Council on Exercise[3] has categorized ranges of body fat percentages as follows:
Description Women Men
Essential fat 12–15% 2–5%
Athletes 16–20% 6–13%
Fitness 21–24% 14–17%
Acceptable 25–31% 18–25%
Obese 32%+ 25%+

Oops. Oh well, I guess I am obese.

Now let the games begin!



Put into Practice

During the past few weeks, my attention has turned to pop psychology discipline known as nlp, neuro linguistic programming. It is known for having quick and lasting results especially in cases of phobias. It is how Tony Robbins, whom I have much admiration for, got his start. The reason I am mentioning all this is to begin my personal experiment.

Mental Beats is about finding ways to think different about the world we live in. It is about finding rhythms and patterns that help boost our creativity. What better place to begin than with your own body. Mind, body and spirit operating as a single unit is an ideal place to be. I have been developing my mind for some time now as well as my spirit but the physical self is lacking. I am going to use the basic principals found in nlp to help me become physically fit.

To make this even more of a challenge, I am going to commit to the following goal:

Before the end of 2008, I will be in good enough shape to be an underwear model.

Yup, I said it and you read it. Raising the bar, as it were. I feel that the goal of just getting in shape is not motivating enough. I do not participate in sports so get fit for the sake of athleticism is also not motivating. I found the extreme narcissistic path more what I am after. It is a challenge, a huge challenge, but it is highly motivating.

For the next few posts I will be recording my fitness progress peppered among the nlp nuggets and exercise routines I am experimenting with. I hope you find this interesting and motivating for you to make a change for the better in your life.



Monday, July 21, 2008

What a workout

The "300" is an intense circuit training workout designed to really get you into shape fast.

Here's the breakdown:
  1. Pull-ups 25 reps full body weight
  2. Dead-lift 50 reps 135 lbs
  3. Push-ups 50 reps full body weight
  4. Box jumps 50 reps 24" platform
  5. Floor wipers 50 reps 135 lbs
  6. Clean press 25 reps 36 lb kettle bell (each arm)
  7. Pull-ups 25 reps full body weight

Then vomit.
