Sunday, July 27, 2008

Routine abs and legs

I tried this routine twice this past week to make sure I would do it or better could do it.

10 minutes Stretching

Legs 12, 8, 6 reps
  • Dumbbell squats
  • Dumbbell dead-lifts
  • Dumbbell lunges (to be added next time)

Abs 2 sets of 20 reps
  • Bench lift
  • Parallel bar leg raises
  • Lying leg raises
  • Flutter kicks
  • Elbow to knee (replaced with oblique side crunches)
  • Penguins
  • Exercise ball
  • Crunches
  • Floor wipers
  • Lying leg lifts (removed due to space on the mat)

Cardio stationary bike (20 minutes)
The timer works backwards from 60:00

59:30 L2
59:00 L3
58:30 L4
58:00 L5
57:30 L6
57:00 L7
56:30 L8
56:00 L9
55:30 L10
55:00 L11
54:30 L10
54:00 L9
53:30 L8
53:00 L7
52:30 L6
51:58 Sprint
51:50 Steady
51:48 Sprint
51:40 Steady
51:38 Sprint
51:30 Steady
51:28 Sprint
51:20 Steady
51:18 Sprint
51:00 Steady
50:40 L7
50:20 L8
50:00 L9
49:40 L10
49:20 L11
49:00 L10
48:40 L9
48:20 L8
48:00 L7
47:40 L6
47:20 L5
47:00 L4
46:58 Sprint
46:50 Steady
46:48 Sprint
46:40 Steady
46:38 Sprint
46:30 Steady
46:28 Sprint
46:20 Steady
46:18 Sprint
45:00 Steady
44:00 L3
42:00 L2
41:00 L1
40:00 Done



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